Birra Nursia
Bionda 750ml
£63.00 for 6 bottles
Birra Nursia Bionda is a golden, luminous beer with a creamy, compact and persistent head. Its fresh aroma is enhanced by hints of coriander and lemon zest. With time, it matures to become an ethereal floral perfume. The palate is enlivened by the hop and malt notes. The cheerful carbonation and the gentle, dry finish nicely round of the body of this beer.
Alc. 6% vol.
Full details / Food pairings / The monastery / Delivery information
Full details -
Bionda 750ml
Europe's Trappist monks were the first to revive monastic brewing after the desolation of the European abbeys under Napoleon in the early 19th century. Birra Nursia follows in the illustrious footsteps of these fabled Belgian beers, balancing its Trappist heritage with a careful crafting to suit the famed meats, cheeses, pizzas and pastas of the Italian region of Umbria.
Food pairings +
Food Pairings
Starters of cheese and vegetables, followed by delicate artichoke tortellini and oven-cooked white meats. Complements pizzas such as Four Seasons, white pizzas with artichokes and cured ham, or cooked ham with cheese and asparagus.
We enjoyed a delicious home-made spinach and ricotta tart with roast asparagus and a handful of chargrilled artichokes as sides.
The monastery +
The Monastery of San Benedetto in Monte
Not only are the monks of The Monastery of San Benedetto in Monte setting out to re-establish the authentic Benedictine tradition in the heart of European monasticism - Norcia, the birthplace of Saint Benedict - but they do this against the backdrop of the devastating 2016 earthquake that ruined much of the surrounding Umbrian communities. In rebuilding their monastic ruins which sit on the side of a picturesque mountain, they seek to inspire others to re-establish their ancient villages throughout the nearby valleys. The beers they produce allow them to continue to build a spiritual oasis that will last for centuries to come.
Delivery information +
Delivery information
We deliver exclusively within Great Britain and Northern Ireland. All postage £7.00 (inc. VAT), delivered within 3 to 4 working days. Local pickup possible in London please contact us directly for details. To postcodes surrounding Battersea, delivery is free.
Following the environmental example of the monks, our packaging is biodegradable or recyclable as much as possible, and we are committed to work to improve this.